Wednesday, September 2, 2015

perfect today (for j+b)

my greatest teachers in life
weren't from grade school
or books, or songs, or even poetry
my greatest teachers
are not found in our national heroes
the web, a youtube tutorial, or a movie
my greatest teachers
are not khalil gibran, ghandi, or jesus
or maya angelou, shel silverstein, or rumi
these have all been teachers, to some degree
-the poems, the heroes, the internet
the songwriters and authors
the storytellers and spiritual leaders-
but they were not my greatest teachers

my greatest teachers
have been the ones who grew me
who taught me
not by words or scripture
or fortune cookie platitudes
but by attitudes and examples
the people who taught me about invaluables
how to pick up the pieces after the hurricane
how to cease this destruction and find salvation again

one of my greatest teachers
can out cook, out clean, out decorate most people i know
she's quick, and fiery, vulnerable and smart
she's beautiful, resilient
she's not afraid to work for what she wants
she's not afraid to shine effortlessly
she's original and lived
a mother and a daughter
a sister and an aunt
and she met a man
to spend the rest of her days with
who listens and observes her life
and her needs
appreciates where she's been and wants to go where she's going
a clever man, driven to build their future
ever present, ever attentive
engaged in the world that surrounds him
in tow, a life of his own
filled with his own luggage of experiences
but the man he is, he recognizes everyone has baggage
but it is in the grace that we travel with that baggage that marks our character

no my greatest teachers are not
the main characters of stories
or the founding fathers of science, rock n roll, or industry
they are the people
who have proven to me
that life
our lives, and our choices, our yesterdays tears and loud smiles,
apartments and road trips, houses and jobs,
moving and then moving again, raising a family, raising bluto,
births and deaths, all the lessons, the blessings
dinner parties and toasts
fights and celebrations
were all worth it
because every single decision and path
delivered us perfectly in to today

congratulations bernie and john.
thank you for being one of the greatest.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

snack time

words used to come so easy
before there was expectation
but i'm letting that go
and i'm writing

this year.

the scion was totaled
the computer broke
the abscess grew
the job ended
the accident happened
his wedding occurred
i lost sweet trust
i lost my grandma
he lost his dad
i'm pregnant
i'm engaged
rory is potty trained
rory is my daughter

i'm a mom
everything i thought being a mom is
and so much more

you don't get to eat when you want to eat
or sleep when you want to sleep
...or write when you want to write
like right now, she is having a meltdown
and she has to go apologize to papa
for hitting him when he was only trying to
give her love
i have found that the things that annoy me
i don't voice as much
i just remove myself from the situation
like people who don't understand
how to be with a child
their needs
the way they need to be communicated to
the patience it takes
the understanding
and awareness it requires
not everyone has it in them
to be amongst children
to really dedicate themselves to
the development of their upbringing
i'm learning that now
i've been spoiled in that way
surrounded by folks who innately
know family, what it takes to be in a family
how to put other people's needs before yours

the argument is
put other's before yourself
or put your own needs first

both are fair enough
but here's the deal
you gotta decide who you are
which one you are
and actually
if you were really smart
you'd know
that its always about serving others
and those times in life when you have to put yourself first
it is ultimately, to put serve the greater good
and you'll know the difference when the time comes
especially when you're a parent
because everything is for them
even when it seems it's not

morning rambles
couldn't sleep last night
the weight of tomorrows had me reeling
tossing and turning
still has me reeling
tossing and turning

off to wipe her peanut buttered mouth
we're done with our snack