Wednesday, August 29, 2007

making prophets [part two]

title: piss test.

a bulletin posted:

Like a lot of folks in this country...I have a job. I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.

I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their butt and using drugs.

Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.
Hope you all will pass it along though.
Something has to change in this country...and soon!!

a response:

piss test?

i think that's pretty low on the 'problems' list regarding this country. but if you're going to bring it up...

as far as where our tax dollars go-- currently most of them are not used for the welfare of our fellow citizens i.e. national health insurance. government and state assisted programs are actually more difficult to come by for the average american than you may think. it has always been, in my experience and those i've known who have had the unfortunate reality check of what a dog eat dog world america is, the process to receive aid has mainly proved to be strenuous, time- consuming, and frustrating. and often times humiliating. even if you are drug- free and honestly just need a little help.

and perhaps before we start getting all agro about the "distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test" benefitting from a percentage of our tax dollars to try and make ends meet, please know that the majority of our tax dollars is paying for our current war on terror.

our government has declared a war on NOT iraq, NOT al qaeda, NOT saddam-- but terror. something so intangible and so fear- driven and so anonymous. the face of this war has changed from the initial suspects of 9/11, to osama bin laden, to al qaeda, the taliban, saddam hussein, weapons of mass destruction etc.... and all the while the casualties grow: civilians- dying, our soldiers- dying, mothers- crying, children growing up without a father, and how many weapons of mass destruction found? none..... but it doesn't matter-- WE BUY INTO IT. we bought it... with our... tax dollars. our mainstream media. with each gas guzzling expedition we buy. starbucks frappucino. 5 extra cheese super- sized with a coca- cola.

and to be honest, the pothead on the couch accepting welfare checks is not the threat of this country. we are the threat of this country. our consumerism has no boundaries therefore the people providing us the products abide by no boundaries. at the expense of factory workers around the world making $3.00 a day, we are clothed. at the expense of rbst injected cows, we enjoy our venti vanilla lattes. at the expense of mom and pop stores (the true american dream) across the nation being shut down one by one, we get our one stop shopping and our everyday low prices. at the expense of children in iraq being bombed for the 'freedom' we are trying to instill in their country (ps.. they didn't ask for our assistance in the first place), we get to drive our land rovers and bump our hip- hop/ indie rock/ hard rock/ experimental acid jazz... whatever tickles our fancy.

this is the world we live in. a world so corrupt and so unfair but so perfectly kept distracted, entertained, and in denial that we have the luxury to bitch about "helping someone sitting on their butt using drugs." and in my opinion, that's exactly what we should be doing more of. helping others. not corporations. people. humans. you know, like the pothead on the couch. rather that than the the government "distributing my taxes as [they] see fit."

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

making prophets [part one]

i was planting green the other day, all i wanted was a garden
but the government kept coming round like traveling salesmen
said they were health insurance
car insurance
life insurance
said i had to give them some green
said some day, they explained, i may need that vaccine

now even though for them i set aside
a portion monthly for them to take and i
make do with what little left there is
i shrug my shoulders, just a bit, and say well that's life it is
my green still looks pretty good, thriving
my car, still driving
but what a shame my neighbors yard
all the deductibles hit them hard
all their green taken away
just because they couldn't pay
the vaccine cost they didn't account
and all those treatments, the devastating totaled amount
that day i kinda looked away
ashamed because i couldn't say
hey that's wrong to put a price
on something as natural as nature
something as natural as life
but i just stood aside i did
while all their green was fairly divvied
amongst the insurance corporate stampede
and as i watched their dignity stolen and sorted
i couldn't help but think for a moment
what my garden would be for bid
but the thought was passing as my neighbors things
were replaced by new faces and their new global blings

i rarely think about them now
how sad that day when all was lost
how i stood aside and gave up a bit
on faith and justice and the right to live
to grow a garden, green and fit
so quickly yes i do forget
while i look out at mine
and think oh my
how well i've done all these years
through all my hardships, laughter and tears
making do with all the bills
paying dues and still
such a beautiful garden, so much green
and to know in my heart
all is well
if ever, hope never, i need that vaccine