Thursday, July 19, 2007


part of me remembers ny
sure it was hard
the weather
the trekking
the flights of stairs
humidity and freeze
overcrowded subways
lonely streets full of people
crazy taxis
horrible service
but shiiiit
at least i was me
at least i didn't have a car note
speeding tickets

i need a new job
in la
cause that's where i live now
and my body is tired of graveyards in long beach
and to be honest
so is my soul

got any leads lovelies?


Sunday, July 15, 2007

just fine

no stranger to the man that leaves
days and months at a time
always got through it just fine
ain't my style to weep
usually just a smile
a kiss
would suffice
for the absence around my hips
the lack of you on my lips

but this go around has surprised me
kinda got me up in a twist
how much i really do miss
all our chats over coffee
hand in hand, you inside me

no big deal
there i go again
dealing myself heartache
what a silly break of a girl
when she finds, without her love
it's a lonely world

no stranger to the man that leaves
always got through it just fine
even this time

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

finders keepers

nine years and it's like it never happened
three months broght a new world
save your tongue for another lip
pause those eyes to the one in front of you

then with your body make love
with your hands build a life
suck in the pain
exhale the pleasure
hold on to this new treasure