Wednesday, May 31, 2006

a measure

Sometimes I get so sad
Dont know what brings it our of me
Why my eyes sink low while looking up towards the sky
Trying to catch that pretty light from the sun
Out my back window
I imagine someone looking through right back at me
Like a mirror
Giving my life some sort of worth
Holding my hand so sweet like
Holding my dreams so careful like
Such hopeless wishes
Pointless ramblings
Early morning will do a girl in like that
Music like this will only rewind you
Only to put you right back out there
Fend for yourself my friend
Take it in doses
Swallow this pill of life
Take out those boxing gloves and learn to punch with an embrace
A hug
So tender
A song so real
Sing to me
Harmony bring me here

For now, my pillow, my knee
Sometimes Im not strong enough to hold it up
My veins pop out of my hand
Because I think, may, just maybe, there are so many other places it wants to be
So for now they are anchored in these words
Weighted by my head on my knee
My ear listening to this song
All this uncried tears
Im not going to, you know
I wont do it
Not one tear
Wont blow my cover
Wont take off these boxing gloves

But every once and awhile
This song
This song will break me down in its single lyric
And Ill feel a little weak in my gut
A little heavy
But just for a moment
Just a bar or two

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