Wednesday, April 19, 2006

saying it cause it needs to be said

that inbetween color, mainstream by street
but not by the tv
but it's my responsibilty to show 'em
this is my "brown" poem

this is my, why oh "why oh why was i born with one ear" piece
the 31st of march, back in '81 blessed my parents with a girl
but when out she came she was missing a limb
maybe not a limb, but half of her would always live in silence
half of her would always be deformed

this is my "last after four boys complex" spit
it's not a spoiled charmed journey as you would think
it's like...
at easter this year my aunt said "let's take a picture of all the guy cousins"
and in my mind and out my mouth came "yes, guy cousins SLASH picture without arianna"

funny life
life got jokes

this is my "gotta dye my hair another color" poem
change my life color
cigarette answer my questions
words show me the way

this is my "protect my freedom of speech" poem
cause for all my bitching, i am grateful that i can speak
but i fear that it is threatened now
i fear i am surrounded
incaved in a conspiracy

what if the buildings didn't fall from the plane crash
it seems it's true
the bombs detonating floor to floor
all for a made war
wagging the dog

i'm upset and frustrated, see
because i can't be clever and say all that is in my head
but i'm gonna keep typing see
because i'm hoping that something of importance will come out

i'm worried about my future see
where i'll be
if these words will ever reach all that may need to hear them
share them
write their own
inspire see
affect another see
that's what i'm trying to do

but now i'm worried if i'll ever get there see
because it seems that we are being threatened
silently for now
controlled by media
and all these pop stars/ rap stars and all their diet fads
designer clothes
are all distractions
the administration is applauding our stupidity
keep 'em dumb they think
keep 'em entertained
as they are undermindedly killing our friends
murdering our families
they're putting drugs on the streets
raising gas prices and still selling us suvs
they're feeding us shit for meat through a drive-thru line
picking fights with countries for their oil that we keep buying

they got us good
we're like trapped in this very intricate plan

and what are we supposed to do?
stop driving?
stop eating?

i'm concerned about the world we live in
i'm afraid that if we don't start looking at these things for real
like they are important, not some sort of activism that we do as a hobby but we got bigger fish to fry in our own lives,
we will be paying a very high price for it
these "bigger fish" will not only be not important, they will seize to exist

you think we're a far cry from the holocaust?
when you were killed by your beliefs?
the way you choose to live your life?
you think that pretty make-up and big sound system in your car is gonna save you?

and then we're told to educate ourselvees, right?
but our resources are so limited
at least the ones that are within reach
i'm talking about the news
the convenient way
turn on the tv and check the weather
meanwhile catch a couple of minutes of bullshit to tie you over
and throw in a couple of commercials so you can buy more shit you don't need

hey, i'm far from perfect
this is the world as we know it
we adapt and live in the conditions in which we are given
i'm just asking for you to be aware of our surroundings
the greater picture
and then trinkle it down to your life

cause i know people are out ther going "well i gotta take care of my shit, can't be concerned with what bush is doing. what has he done for me lately anyway?"
for you?
but because of you
he can keep raising gas prices
keep taking your social security
raise your taxes
take away your benefits

we make fun of bush all the time
like he's a dumb ass
but we're really the dumbasses, did you know that?
because they don't care
as long as they can keep rigging the votes
going to war
control the media
make money
they could give a fuck less what we think

fucking rambling

there will come a time when i will be punished for rambling on like this
i already have, in other areas of my life
and man, it wasn't pretty
i'm still going through it right now
but i don't regret all the things i said
all the things i did
because i have the right to an opinion
and i'm just trying to protect that right

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