Thursday, September 8, 2005

business as usual

business as usual, miss basco? says the man in sequins

while out of order nola went under, gas prices went climbing, my windshield got cracked and has since been replaced, new york keeps going, my face went swollen, my body met vicodin, many bodies went missing, soprano's still up at hawthorne sweeping, loyal moved in, my wife is still figuring it out, nasai's running around in circles, chuck's still asking for some red red wine to fill his cup, five dogs in the house, sweet trust out of town, ginger came home, shooot went on tour, georgia peaches are still sweet, iceland roams america, joe and cecilia are engaged, j went to his first wedding, benny and jonette called it quits for awhile, heather had another blood transfusion, cried on my pops shoulder, audge is closer to getting out, my brothers want a dinner, my ma still can’t sleep at night

and my neighbor just asked me:

Isn't it funny how the Republicans would move heaven and earth to try to keep one Brain Dead woman alive,

but won't hardly do shit to keep 10,000 people alive?

yes, i reply to the man in sequins while i smoke my first cigarette in a week.

business as usual for the whole lot of us, eh?

and just when the caterpillar thought it was the end, it became a butterfly… darion sent that to me some years ago now. call me a cheese, but somewhere, somehow, i still believe that hallmark bullshit

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