mount fuji comes to visit me again while my eyelids are encouraging me to sleep
there were seven of us that day, that night
after double shows for some, we came off the train, welcomed by rain
yes there were seven
and one was offered horse as a snack
and snacks we wished we had more of
cause at midnight we began and by nine
it was the snacks we were out of
it was down the trail pointed
while we were hauling up
it was up when she fell to her knees, vowing she couldn't go on
it was a rock and a beagle and a cellphone without reception that made her weep
and it was my love and i who waited patiently for emotion to pass her
it was three bags he carried
mine, hers and his
actually two more, my ass and hers
he said it was "beautiful at the top"
he said "15 minutes left"
my love kept pushing us up rocks for two more hours
at the top it was gray
at the top we saw everything and
it was 1:30 and there was no bus
i still hear the cab drivers laughing
and i feel my ankles are weak
i fear i will die in Japan
it was rocks we climbed down
yes, rock climbing i beleive it's called
and there, yes tight there is the edge of the mountain calling my name
"go on" i say "i'll be fine"
"find some food or water" i say please go, i'm fine
then i tripped
i met a boulder that day
i visited the three year old inside of me
because it was there on that boulder, that boulder and i wept like i was three
wept isn't the word
no wined and moaned and cried and tantrumed
then god came in the form of a japanese man
yes it was him that helped me without words
get my face off the boulder who had by then became my"blankie"
he lead me back to my clan, my posse
it was god who came to visit again
and gave gifts of gloves and biscuits and the bulldozer trail
it was the side of the mountain my friend fell off of to meet us
it was a biscuit he ate whole
it was pain our bodies were in
yes pain
hunger desperation
we had to hitch hike that night
cause there were no taxis
cause, as we were informed just a few hours prior, tourist season had ended two days ago
there was no food water transportation tourist hiking sticks other people because "tourist season" had ended TWO DAYS AGO
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