# of days in Brazil: 14
# of days remaining in Brazil: 14
# of days spent during national and state election season: 14
# of banks on strike: all
# of percentage points crime rate has raised due to strike and elections: 25 (?)
# of dollars spent at Target on watch subsequently stolen in mugging: 10
# of football games seen: 0
# of times Miles has gone to an internet cafe to check MLB stats: 12
# of Brazilian residents inquiring on the status of the US elections and debates: 5
# of hours spent on buses (not including inter-city travel): 45 (more than your average part-time job)
# of missed stops due to sleeping: 1
# of bus employees laughing at us over missed stop: 4
# of live music performances seen: 8
# of live music acts playing the music most commonly associated with Brazil (ie samba, bossa nova): 0
# of awful meals: 2
# of exceptional meals: 26
# of starches included in every meal: at least 2
# of days Arianna has attempted to find good high-heeled shoes to better fit in: 10
# of high-heeled shoes bought: 0
# of shades darker skin is, due to equatorial sun: 6 (?)
# of times unable to make purchases due to cashiers lack of change: 35
# of times we've been astounded by the beauty of this country and its people: constantly
# of times we've had to remind ourselves to let go: many
EAT açai (made from fruit of the Amazon) Arianna's newest most favorite treat ever (which includes bananas and raisins, both of which she hated prior to Brazil)
DRINK Antartica Maltzebier, Miles's newest most favorite beer ever
EXPERIENCE a holistic "massage" from a spiritualized hairy french man, who believes his "contact-improv" sessions should be filmed and shown on television to rival Martha Grahm or Alvin Ailey
SWIM through an underwater cave in Chapada Diamantina, nick-named "the uterus", and be reborn through "the vagina"
SCREAM down waterfalls into natural pools
TREK "easy" nature hikes involving bouldering, rock climbing and slipping
HEAR saccrine-sweet pop sensation Djavan, Brazil's Michael Bolton, upstaged and drowned out by the audience of thousands singing along to every word
RIDE off-road in the back of a pick up truck for 2 hours, "safe" for human cargo
BALE water out of a canoe while sitting under midday sun for another 2 hours
SMELL rancid baby poop on a 6 hour bus ride with poor ventilation
LISTEN to mother claim, "Smell is from nearby factory."
TRY acaraje, a fried shrimp-patty snack bought from street vendors
BEWARE the sand-filled acaraje
INHALE water when your snorkeling mask is designed for Cyrano De Bergerac
WEAR sungas, the bathing suits for men that leave nothing to the imagination
SEE the bluest of blue skies and waters
WATCH in awe as a 6 year old rides a full-size horse, bare back
LAUGH alot. Because everything's funny when one is in a foreign country
ENJOY the company of people met along the way
SPEND 14 days not knowing what's coming next
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