Friday, January 4, 2008

it's time

by now you should have cleared out all those holiday texts
replied to all those drunken voicemails
decided the right diet plan to go on to rid yourself of the weight the season brought on
and already made and most likely broke some new year's resolutions

i'm just sitting here in my los angeles apartment feeling the draft from my wall
no longer wondering how those damn mice get in
i've read cloves and peppermint oil keep them away
certainly this rain ain't helping none

just wanted to drop a line
see who was still out there
breathing and living in 2008
who still believes in dreams
santa claus
and fairies
who still thinks of others before themselves
who thinks of only themselves and still thinks that that's the best road to success
just wanted to check in with some friends
check if they still do consider themselves friends
check if they know what that even means

two thousand great
so i've been told
yes indeed
time to do some cleaning, it is
time to indeed

so cheers to the past
cheers to letting go

and cheers to embracing now
i've taken the bad with the good
and now

i would prefer my real friends please