Monday, April 30, 2007


Are we an accident?
Chasing after caution
Following our momentary emotions
Our soiled doubts shoved in the glove box
My heart doomed in a writer's block

I can't tell the difference between a curse or a blessing
I just wanted our fingers to touch
Just wanted your love
Maybe, this time, I've asked for too much

It's as if I can't have sweet nothings
Without life serving me lessons
But I thought love was a gift for me dear
But I suppose I wasn't a very good girl this year

Sunday, April 29, 2007


it just so happens that i have a case of writer's block
of course, presently the words seem to drip from my fingertips
so being that i'm a bit parched i'll take this opportunity to sip

prepare to miss
prepare to lose
prepare to let go

here it comes in, slow
he's about to go

Sunday, April 22, 2007


as if there was no other kiss before
blinking stares dress my lips
tug my core
you hug me bless
carry me caress
you were just a friend remember
still a friend no less

strum me along your neck
drum beat songs for affect
sink your soul into mine
come inside
and hold on tight
even though you were just a friend remember
still a friend
every day, every night

and i gesture to pull away
just a gesture to beat the goodbye
but you just repeat
i don't want to lose you
i don't want to lose you

so let's throw more words around this beaten car
make some bad decisions
see how far we can actually take this
maybe find a home in this bliss
some solace in these hips
you were just a friend remember
always a friend
and now my every morning kiss

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

one foot on the ground

fingers tap out surrender
tip tap on love and fall through the crack
leave a bread crumb trail
and promise to come back
no one can hold me forever
remember arianna
carry yourself it's all you've really ever needed
when all else failed when it all bleeded
i blushed
i loved
i fell and broke

picked it all up and paid the rent
and tip tapped
danced again

Monday, April 16, 2007

graveyard trembled

the diner stands quiet tonight
and my head bounces to hip hop over stale coffee
i don't feel it, but i can tell i'm tired
my skin is super sensitive
always get itchy when i'm tired

had this crazy thought recently
found this man i want to fall asleep to every night
wake up to every sunrise
something in the way his eyelashes curl toward me

tell me something wild and new
touch me again just like that
how does it feel to be touched?
so still this man
so true
i imagine there will be no other hand on the small of my back
not like that
no not like that ever

rest it well sir
because i'm checking out of here soon and coming home
found a place to live somewhere between your soul and mine
somewhere where our fingers finally touched